InILLUMINATIONbyTarun GuptaDiscover and Download Unsplash Images with Streamlit and PythonDiscover the power of Unsplash API with Python & Streamlit! Download stunning images based on user input with your bot in 33 lines of code.Apr 4, 2024Apr 4, 2024
Tarun GuptaHow to Create a Smart Chatbot with Streamlit, Python, and ChatGPTCreate your own intelligent memory-enabled chatbot in 80 lines of codeJul 21, 20231Jul 21, 20231
Tarun GuptaIntro to Neural Networks Implementation in PythonUsing scikit-learnMar 12, 2022Mar 12, 2022
InDataDrivenInvestorbyTarun GuptaImplementing k-Means Clustering in 30 Lines with OptimizationUsing Python3 and Scikit-learnAug 27, 2021Aug 27, 2021
InDataDrivenInvestorbyTarun GuptaA Fascinating Behind-the-Scenes Look at ClusteringIts concepts and implications in Machine LearningMar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
InDataDrivenInvestorbyTarun GuptaThe Beginnerβs Guide to Artificial Neural NetworksA Brief Conceptual OverviewMar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
InTDS ArchivebyTarun GuptaWhat Is Neural Network Implementation, Anyway?A python3 and scikit-learn implementationFeb 13, 2021Feb 13, 2021
InTDS ArchivebyTarun GuptaPerformance Measures for Classification Modelsand methods to evaluate the performance of a classifierDec 3, 2020Dec 3, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyTarun GuptaUnderstanding Decision Tree Classifierconceptually with example using ID3 algorithmOct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyTarun GuptaImplementing a Naive Bayes Classifierin Python with a real world datasetOct 8, 2020Oct 8, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyTarun GuptaContinuous Data and Zero Frequency Problem in Naive Bayes ClassifierHow to handle it mathematically and conceptuallyOct 7, 20201Oct 7, 20201
InTDS ArchivebyTarun GuptaUnderstanding Naive Bayes Classifierconceptually with multiple examplesOct 6, 2020Oct 6, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyTarun GuptaBasics of Supervised Learning (Classification)in Machine Learning with concepts, components and examplesOct 5, 2020Oct 5, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyTarun GuptaMachine Learning Perceptron Implementationwith Python using Delta rule (gradient descent)Aug 18, 2020Aug 18, 2020
InThe StartupbyTarun GuptaMachine Learning Decision Tree Implementationwith ID3 algorithm using Python and XMLMar 13, 2020Mar 13, 2020
InThe StartupbyTarun GuptaLearn Python for Machine LearningGet comfortable with Python in order to start codingMar 10, 2020Mar 10, 2020
InThe StartupbyTarun Gupta(Batch) Linear RegressionUsing the gradient descent method in Python3Mar 8, 2020Mar 8, 2020
InDataSeriesbyTarun GuptaPandas.seriesΒ : A Part of the backbone for Machine Learning in Pythonwith concepts and examples for beginnersNov 21, 2019Nov 21, 2019
InDataSeriesbyTarun GuptaPython Basics in Numpy for Machine Learning & Data ScienceGet comfortable with Python in order to start into Data Science and Machine LearningOct 28, 20192Oct 28, 20192
InTDS ArchivebyTarun GuptaPandas.Series Methods for Machine LearningGetting to Know them and their implementationsOct 25, 2019Oct 25, 2019